Cap'n Hef: The Galley Burns
Cap'n Hef: The procession
Cap'n Hef: The procession
Cap'n Hef: The procession
Cap'n Hef: Spectators
Cap'n Hef: The Galley
Cap'n Hef: Dave and the Galley
Cap'n Hef: Galley Head
Cap'n Hef: The Galley
Cap'n Hef: Avie Jane
Cap'n Hef: The Bill at the Market Cross
Cap'n Hef: Jarl Squad Chatter
Cap'n Hef: Viking!
Cap'n Hef: Guizer Jarl Rae Simpson
Cap'n Hef: Aargh!
Cap'n Hef: Jarl Squad on the Galley
Cap'n Hef: The photographers
Cap'n Hef: The Galley ready for the morning processsion