capndesign: Laying the Onions on the Burgers
capndesign: Smooshing the Onion Burger
capndesign: The Onion Burger Has Been Flipped
capndesign: Check Out That Sizzle
capndesign: You Really Have to Smoosh It
capndesign: The Cheese has Been Laid
capndesign: Eating the Finished Product
capndesign: The Finished Product
capndesign: The Leftover Juices
capndesign: The Patties Before Returning to the Pan
capndesign: The Patties Have Been Cooked
capndesign: The Finished Product
capndesign: Frying Up the Burgers
capndesign: Making the Topping
capndesign: The Patties are Formed
capndesign: Crumbling Feta into the Mix
capndesign: Skate Grenobloise
capndesign: The Patties Begin Cooking
capndesign: Pumpkin Cookies, Post-Frosting
capndesign: Pumpkin Cookies, Pre-Frosting
capndesign: We Made a Pie
capndesign: They're Cookin'
capndesign: Makin' Apple Sauce
capndesign: Pie Up Close
capndesign: Delicious Apple Pie
capndesign: Minestrone Soup