MSU Campus Archaeologist: Geophysics Cart
MSU Campus Archaeologist: Electronic resistivity
MSU Campus Archaeologist: Computer set up
MSU Campus Archaeologist: getting a reading
MSU Campus Archaeologist: GIS, meet geophysics
MSU Campus Archaeologist: The Arboretum
MSU Campus Archaeologist: sift sift sift
MSU Campus Archaeologist: Lots of measuring. It all gets inputted into the machine so it can be plotted later. #fb
MSU Campus Archaeologist: Our good friends from geology is setting up the electric resistivity machine! #fb
MSU Campus Archaeologist: Step 1 on geophysics survey: set up the grid:
MSU Campus Archaeologist: Setting up a grid at botanical lab for gpr.
MSU Campus Archaeologist: More geophysics at the weather bureau site today. A new toy: ground penetrating radar (gpr)
MSU Campus Archaeologist: We have 4 stps that cluster, a possible site. Each has a large # of brick and mortar fragments. Succesful day!
MSU Campus Archaeologist: Good number of visitors today! Must be the flag: