CapMarcel: Snail shaped large mushroom
CapMarcel: Chestnut fruit ready for autumn
CapMarcel: Green forest leaf in the sunlight
CapMarcel: Twigs
CapMarcel: Cameleon made of wood
CapMarcel: Blue grey Shell on the beach
CapMarcel: Sandpiper catches a Beach worm
CapMarcel: Gull with a little crab
CapMarcel: Sea Gull swimming on the wave
CapMarcel: Herring Gull with catch
CapMarcel: A mouth full for the Herring Gull
CapMarcel: Ready to take off for the Gull
CapMarcel: Herring gull with feather in its beak
CapMarcel: Give me the fish
CapMarcel: Sanderling jumps from the cliff
CapMarcel: Young Herring Gull on a rock
CapMarcel: Put your feathers in order
CapMarcel: Hands-up Sanderling
CapMarcel: Feeling sick
CapMarcel: Herring Gull catches a crunchy meal
CapMarcel: Sandeling straling on the beach front
CapMarcel: Life en death closeby
CapMarcel: Winter is coming
CapMarcel: Autumn leaf, green is fading away
CapMarcel: Loaf floating in water duckweed
CapMarcel: Purple berries
CapMarcel: Vulture
CapMarcel: Pelican
CapMarcel: Common Cormorant
CapMarcel: Stork starts flying from tree top