CapMarcel: Lonely sea anger with fishing rod
CapMarcel: Surf dude on medium waves
CapMarcel: Surf dude on medium waves
CapMarcel: Surf dude on medium waves
CapMarcel: Enjoying the view
CapMarcel: Lady with hat walking by
CapMarcel: Dinner is served
CapMarcel: Time to play for this couple
CapMarcel: Head of a statue (partial) for harbour/port workers
CapMarcel: Lady on a table making a phonecall
CapMarcel: Young kid with long and curly white hair
CapMarcel: Girl plays the Tambourine - Archeon
CapMarcel: Asking for a moment of silence - Madrid
CapMarcel: Harp player in Madrid
CapMarcel: Yoga exercise in the park
CapMarcel: Using modern technology
CapMarcel: Enjoying music on a bench - Madrid
CapMarcel: Boy poses for a photo - Madrid
CapMarcel: Enjoying sunbathing in Madrid
CapMarcel: When a water bubble splashes in your face - Photo 1 of 2
CapMarcel: When a water bubble splashes in your face - Photo 2 of 2
CapMarcel: The sand woman - Madrid
CapMarcel: Driving an electric big wheel scooter
CapMarcel: Cooking a very big soup
CapMarcel: Looking through a resataurant window
CapMarcel: Cooling down your feet - Malaga Spain
CapMarcel: Boy enjoying the view
CapMarcel: Artist at work Granada Spain
CapMarcel: Time to draw
CapMarcel: Nordic walking on a boulevard in Malaga Spain