capitphil: Moulin à eau. - Watermill.
capitphil: Moulin - roue à aubes.
capitphil: Cascade 1 - Waterfall.
capitphil: Cascade 2 - Waterfall.
capitphil: Vallon du Ninglinspo 5 - Small valley of Ninglinspo.
capitphil: Vallon du Ninglinspo 4 - Small valley of Ninglinspo.
capitphil: Vallon du Ninglinspo 3 - Small valley of Ninglinspo.
capitphil: Vallon du Ninglinspo 2 - Small valley of Ninglinspo.
capitphil: Vallon du Ninglinspo 1 - Small valley of Ninglinspo.
capitphil: Vallon du Ninglinspo 11 - Small valley of Ninglinspo.
capitphil: Vallon du Ninglinspo 9 - Small valley of Ninglinspo.
capitphil: Vallon du Ninglinspo 7 - Small valley of Ninglinspo.
capitphil: Eglise de Waha - vitraux FOLON - Stained-glass window Folon
capitphil: FOLON - vitraux.
capitphil: Vitraux Folon 6 - Stained-glass window Folon
capitphil: Vitraux Folon 5 - Stained-glass window Folon
capitphil: Vitraux Folon 4 - Stained-glass window Folon
capitphil: Vitraux Folon 3 - Stained-glass window Folon
capitphil: Vitraux Folon 2 - Stained-glass window Folon
capitphil: Vitraux Folon 1 - Stained-glass window Folon
capitphil: Mégalithes de Wéris.
capitphil: Borne frontière ! - Border terminal !
capitphil: Timidité ! - Shyness !
capitphil: Quelle loupe ! - What burl !
capitphil: Vieux mais costauds ! - Old but mighty !