Luc L. Legrand (thanks for 7.5 M views): Bobtail Squid, Euprimna Tasmanica
Luc L. Legrand (thanks for 7.5 M views): sepioteuthis lessonianaj, Squid, Calmar
Luc L. Legrand (thanks for 7.5 M views): Kalmar, sepioteuthis lessonianaj, Squid, Calmar
Luc L. Legrand (thanks for 7.5 M views): PHYLLORHIZA PUNCTATA, spirits of the sea
Luc L. Legrand (thanks for 7.5 M views): Kalmar, sepioteuthis lessonianaj, Squid, Calmar
Luc L. Legrand (thanks for 7.5 M views): Pyrosomatidae, Colony of tunicates
Luc L. Legrand (thanks for 7.5 M views): Sea Butterfly, Cavolinia unicinata
Luc L. Legrand (thanks for 7.5 M views): Holoplanktonic Seaslug, sea butterfly
Luc L. Legrand (thanks for 7.5 M views): Bobtail Squid, Euprimna Tasmanica
Luc L. Legrand (thanks for 7.5 M views): Cavolinia uncinata, pelagic snail
Luc L. Legrand (thanks for 7.5 M views): Sepiotheutis lessonianaj, Squid, Calmar
Luc L. Legrand (thanks for 7.5 M views): Blackwater dive, a shrimp in the middle of the sea at nighttime.
Luc L. Legrand (thanks for 7.5 M views): Squid, sepioteuthis lessonianaj, Squid, Calmar