Capelle Panda -- Be happy!: An airplane passes the dual rainbows
Capelle Panda -- Be happy!: One side rain, one side sunshine.... saw the rainbow 西雨東晴, 看見彩虹
Capelle Panda -- Be happy!: The sunrise from this morning , taken by my Samsung S3
Capelle Panda -- Be happy!: Birding experiment
Capelle Panda -- Be happy!: Perspective 登高望遠
Capelle Panda -- Be happy!: The mood........ 心情
Capelle Panda -- Be happy!: Good Will Hunting!! 心靈捕手!! (I think it is a bit hot, lol) by Nikon1 V1 10mm
Capelle Panda -- Be happy!: Have you seen it?
Capelle Panda -- Be happy!: Fulong Beach, fishing fun!
Capelle Panda -- Be happy!: Surging 澎湃 (really love the pancake)
Capelle Panda -- Be happy!: What matter? (Nikon 1 V1 + 10mm great pancake, 不容小噓的小餅乾)
Capelle Panda -- Be happy!: The sky of the roof 屋頂的天空 (by Nikon1 V1)
Capelle Panda -- Be happy!: Sunset view from the roof 屋頂的夕陽 (by Nikon1 V1)
Capelle Panda -- Be happy!: A good mood ヽ('∀'*)ノ 好心情
Capelle Panda -- Be happy!: Marken lighthouse 馬肯的燈塔
Capelle Panda -- Be happy!: Waterbus 水上巴士 (Kripmen aan den IJssel)
Capelle Panda -- Be happy!: (Noordendijk Dordrecht)
Capelle Panda -- Be happy!: Hi~~ High~~ Height~~ Breakdown (Noordendijk Dordrecht)
Capelle Panda -- Be happy!: The other side of the Sunset
Capelle Panda -- Be happy!: Snow tree and the Grey Gooses
Capelle Panda -- Be happy!: Go home!! under the sunset light
Capelle Panda -- Be happy!: Do you remember that summer? 淡淡的滋味
Capelle Panda -- Be happy!: Port of Rotterdam
Capelle Panda -- Be happy!: ^^^^^^^^ (Maeslandkering)
Capelle Panda -- Be happy!: Concentration 專注 (Maeslandkering)
Capelle Panda -- Be happy!: Playing in the dark
Capelle Panda -- Be happy!: Fishing under the sunset