Capelle Panda -- Be happy!: Dream Aviator 夢幻飛行者
Capelle Panda -- Be happy!: Corps on the street light 街燈上的軍團 (I guess the black head is the leader, lol)
Capelle Panda -- Be happy!: Corps on the street light 街燈上的軍團 (I guess the black head is the leader, lol)
Capelle Panda -- Be happy!: Subadult plays with the branch. 玩樹枝的亞成紅嘴鷗
Capelle Panda -- Be happy!: Touch the ground
Capelle Panda -- Be happy!: I am too busy~~" 本尊與分身, 分身乏術
Capelle Panda -- Be happy!: New lens test (Birding in action)
Capelle Panda -- Be happy!: New lens test (birding, very nice DOF )
Capelle Panda -- Be happy!: The Bird Choir!!! 鳥類合唱團 Do..Re..Mi........