Capelle Panda -- Be happy!: Salatura genutia ( Cramer, 1779) 黑脈樺斑蝶
Capelle Panda -- Be happy!: Euploea tulliolus koxinga ( Fruhstorfer, 1908) 小紫斑蝶
Capelle Panda -- Be happy!: Morpho richardus 藍色大閃蝶
Capelle Panda -- Be happy!: Red with white poisonous butterfly 紅帶白斑蛱蝶
Capelle Panda -- Be happy!: Catonephele sp 蛱蝶
Capelle Panda -- Be happy!: Papilio machaon 金鳳蝶
Capelle Panda -- Be happy!: Papilio machaon 金鳳蝶
Capelle Panda -- Be happy!: 捻一嘴的甜 A sweet mouth
Capelle Panda -- Be happy!: Seeing a better future! 看見美好的未来
Capelle Panda -- Be happy!: Anartia amathea 蛱蝶
Capelle Panda -- Be happy!: Blood-flower Milkweed is my favo as well.
Capelle Panda -- Be happy!: This place seems to be a very nice place too. The human hair smells like a honey, but, I am hardly sucking the juice out. The salt is very good for me too.
Capelle Panda -- Be happy!: Morning Glory, could you play a music for me? I like to dance in the air!! Smiling!!!
Capelle Panda -- Be happy!: Caligo atreus 貓頭鷹蝶
Capelle Panda -- Be happy!: Caligo atreus 貓頭鷹蝶
Capelle Panda -- Be happy!: Heliconius sp 蛱蝶
Capelle Panda -- Be happy!: Papilioninae 鳳蝶科
Capelle Panda -- Be happy!: Aglais urticae_蕁麻蛺蝶_kleine vos_Small Tortoiseshell
Capelle Panda -- Be happy!: It is not water but PEE (Parthenos sylvia 麗蛺蝶)
Capelle Panda -- Be happy!: The relaxation is for a high quality life.
Capelle Panda -- Be happy!: (Glasswinged butterfly ) Greta morgane oto 玻璃翼蝴蝶
Capelle Panda -- Be happy!: Zebra Longwing (Heliconius charithonia) 斑馬長翼蝶、斑馬龍 (釉蛺蝶屬)
Capelle Panda -- Be happy!: Colobura dirce 黃肱蛺蝶
Capelle Panda -- Be happy!: Mechanitis polymnia
Capelle Panda -- Be happy!: White Angled Sulphur, Brimstone 鉤粉蝶 Citroenvlinder
Capelle Panda -- Be happy!: Papilio palinurus 小天使翠鳳蝶
Capelle Panda -- Be happy!: Three Kingdoms 三國鼎立 (fighting for the honey land)
Capelle Panda -- Be happy!: Tithorea harmonia