Capelle Panda -- Be happy!: a little ugly girl, but so cute 黃毛丫頭, 但很Q
Capelle Panda -- Be happy!: Come on baby, here is the food!
Capelle Panda -- Be happy!: Who's feet are more beautiful?
Capelle Panda -- Be happy!: Jump out the water 跳出水面
Capelle Panda -- Be happy!: It is difficult to run when wears the fins. 穿蛙鞋很難跑耶!!
Capelle Panda -- Be happy!: Angry bird 1/2 (Bullfighting? 像不像鬥牛?)
Capelle Panda -- Be happy!: Angry bird 2/2 (Bullfighting? 像不像鬥牛?)
Capelle Panda -- Be happy!: 03-11-2012.... All is because of the love, great tread-water skill 一切都是為了愛.......踩水功夫了得
Capelle Panda -- Be happy!: Get ready for Spring! 春天的整裝!
Capelle Panda -- Be happy!: Get ready for Spring! 春天的整裝!
Capelle Panda -- Be happy!: 17-04-2012..... Busy with the nest (Nikon 1 V1 + FT1 + Sigma 170-500)
Capelle Panda -- Be happy!: 19-05-2012.... A family 一家五口 (on my way to recovery, still need 3 weeks to go)
Capelle Panda -- Be happy!: 24-05-2012 (Mamm, we are very hungry.....)
Capelle Panda -- Be happy!: 04-06-2012 (red head, yellow feathersstill)
Capelle Panda -- Be happy!: 10-06-2012. 1/2 (The only survivor 唯一倖存者)
Capelle Panda -- Be happy!: 10-06-2012. 2/2 (The only survivor 唯一倖存者)
Capelle Panda -- Be happy!: 15-06-2012.... Two months old. Most of time he still feed by the parents (2個月大的小孩, 大部分還是需要被餵食, 一天到晚"該該叫")
Capelle Panda -- Be happy!: 15-06-2012...Start to eat by himself sometimes (有時餓到沒辦法只好自己亂吃 )
Capelle Panda -- Be happy!: 19-06-2012 (beak becomes more orange)
Capelle Panda -- Be happy!: 01-07-2012 (Sparking)
Capelle Panda -- Be happy!: 03-07-2012 (2/3) - He/She really shouts a lot. What a big mouth! 實在很會叫..... 嘴很大
Capelle Panda -- Be happy!: 03-07-2012 (3/3) - He/She really shouts a lot. What a big mouth! 實在很會叫..... 嘴很大
Capelle Panda -- Be happy!: 03-07-2012 (1/3) - He/She really shouts a lot. What a big mouth! 實在很會叫..... 嘴很大
Capelle Panda -- Be happy!: As long as I grew up.... 只要我長大
Capelle Panda -- Be happy!: A poker face! Do you have something to eat?
Capelle Panda -- Be happy!: A poker face! Do you have something to eat?