capecodartandnature: Losing the battle
capecodartandnature: Song sparrow
capecodartandnature: Winter weeds
capecodartandnature: Last of the sunflowers
capecodartandnature: Frosted leaves
capecodartandnature: Frosted seed heads
capecodartandnature: Privet berries
capecodartandnature: Multi flora rose hips
capecodartandnature: Frosted Holly berries and leaves
capecodartandnature: Winter beaches have their own allure
capecodartandnature: Always gulls....
capecodartandnature: Pale sky, pale sand, pale grasses
capecodartandnature: Shelves of snow
capecodartandnature: Winter dune grasses and weeds
capecodartandnature: Dunes and rosa rugosa bushes
capecodartandnature: Looking like sparrows
capecodartandnature: A flock of tiny birds
capecodartandnature: Snow buntings
capecodartandnature: Male kingfisher
capecodartandnature: Crows make deeper tracks
capecodartandnature: Rabbit tracks
capecodartandnature: Gull tracks
capecodartandnature: Snow bunting tracks
capecodartandnature: Edge of the marsh
capecodartandnature: Marsh ice is always crackly
capecodartandnature: Marsh creek
capecodartandnature: Winter marsh
capecodartandnature: Brrrrr or is it Burr?
capecodartandnature: Starlings are also roosting