CapCat Ragu: From ZBrush to Second Life...
CapCat Ragu: Skurekallen
CapCat Ragu: Peasant
CapCat Ragu: The Attganger's family before she died
CapCat Ragu: The Attganger's mother
CapCat Ragu: The Attganger's sister
CapCat Ragu: The girl that became an Attganger
CapCat Ragu: Peasant becoming Skurekallen
CapCat Ragu: The Attganger
CapCat Ragu: Eupalinos weting my feet at The Companion
CapCat Ragu: lalala
CapCat Ragu: Sorrow
CapCat Ragu: My baby!
CapCat Ragu: The accident
CapCat Ragu: Happy Carousel
CapCat Ragu: Birthday
CapCat Ragu: Kromososmer Avatars
CapCat Ragu: melusina
CapCat Ragu: Kromosomer final poster for SLACTIONS
CapCat Ragu: CONFIA proceedings already published! I'll be presenting tomorrow the paper I did with Heidi Dahlsveen about the Kromosomer project.
CapCat Ragu: Kromosomer project presentation