Corey Porter: Ready to hike
Corey Porter: A crucial juncture
Corey Porter: Stephanie in repose
Corey Porter: Teaching knots at camp
Corey Porter: Handing out donuts
Corey Porter: The donuts were well received.
Corey Porter: OJ was provided as well.
Corey Porter: Mid morning committee meeting
Corey Porter: Coffee experimentation
Corey Porter: Leave the camp site cleaner than you found it
Corey Porter: Police line
Corey Porter: Hiking
Corey Porter: Discussing a rattlesnake siting
Corey Porter: Portrait opportunity
Corey Porter: Portrait opportunity
Corey Porter: Portrait opportunity
Corey Porter: Portrait opportunity
Corey Porter: Portrait opportunity
Corey Porter: Portrait opportunity
Corey Porter: Portrait opportunity
Corey Porter: Portrait opportunity
Corey Porter: Portrait opportunity
Corey Porter: Portrait opportunity
Corey Porter: P1010151Portrait opportunity
Corey Porter: Portrait opportunity
Corey Porter: Portrait opportunity
Corey Porter: Final climb
Corey Porter: No pictures, please
Corey Porter: Final climb
Corey Porter: Final climb