Paloma Martins: Put on your dancing shoes
Paloma Martins: Do anything that you want to do, but
Paloma Martins: And say a word for Ginger Brown
Paloma Martins: When I'm by myself, I can be myself
Paloma Martins: If you're gonna try and walk on water make sure you wear your comfortable shoes.
Paloma Martins: Little Red
Paloma Martins: Like you know, when we doo doo
Paloma Martins: We're Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
Paloma Martins: So may I introduce to you the act you've known for all these years
Paloma Martins: WALL • E
Paloma Martins: Dandelion
Paloma Martins: make a wish
Paloma Martins: inverno;
Paloma Martins: Hey there, lovely ladybug
Paloma Martins: Dona Joana
Paloma Martins: look around, round, round...
Paloma Martins: mushroom
Paloma Martins: Thank you for the sun the one that shines on everyone
Paloma Martins: breakfast
Paloma Martins: oh, it is love.
Paloma Martins: passatempo
Paloma Martins: calor, muito calor.
Paloma Martins: Transfer
Paloma Martins: Escadaria