Jen_K: Hummingbird
Jen_K: Chick of moss
Jen_K: You're in my tree!
Jen_K: Iguana on La Sirena
Jen_K: Otterses!
Jen_K: Looong neck!
Jen_K: Orange eyes
Jen_K: Yes, can I help you?
Jen_K: Three Rivers Hawk
Jen_K: Goat and kid 3
Jen_K: Goat and kid 2
Jen_K: Kid
Jen_K: Butterflies
Jen_K: Kingsnake!
Jen_K: Western rattlesnake
Jen_K: Hummingbird
Jen_K: Swimming iguana
Jen_K: Hiding
Jen_K: Osprey
Jen_K: Columbia Gorge osprey
Jen_K: NOT a kitty!
Jen_K: Extension!
Jen_K: Fishing
Jen_K: Folding wings
Jen_K: Snow geese and snow
Jen_K: Snow geese flying across the mountain
Jen_K: Hawk flight
Jen_K: Widgeon
Jen_K: Widgeon
Jen_K: Widgeon