Jen_K: They gave us fruit on sticks at the airport! And coffee!
Jen_K: Our plane
Jen_K: Pilots, en route to... uh, some town in Costa Rica.
Jen_K: Francie is excited!
Jen_K: Bus to Carate
Jen_K: At Carate
Jen_K: Bienvenido
Jen_K: Francie petting the pup.
Jen_K: Francie petting pup
Jen_K: First look at the Costa Rican beach
Jen_K: Bird gone
Jen_K: Beach walk to La Leona Ranger Station
Jen_K: Francie by the Sea
Jen_K: Francie in the Sea
Jen_K: Surf
Jen_K: Stopping to try to cool off in the warm ocean.
Jen_K: Jen getting her feet wet.
Jen_K: Jen by the Sea
Jen_K: Sunset approaching
Jen_K: La Costa Rica
Jen_K: Francie!
Jen_K: Corcovado coastline
Jen_K: Hermit crab
Jen_K: La Leona ranger station
Jen_K: Francie cooking Mac-n-Cheeze
Jen_K: And...the JUNGLE!
Jen_K: Francie crossing the river.
Jen_K: Jungle river again
Jen_K: Morning mist off the coastline
Jen_K: Morning mist