erat: Christmas 1970
erat: Head shot
erat: Book signing at Comdex '99 (1)
erat: Book signing at Comdex '99 (2)
erat: SpiralJetty33
erat: SpiralJetty32
erat: SpiralJetty13
erat: SpiralJetty12
erat: SpiralJetty11
erat: SpiralJetty10
erat: Glowy me
erat: This can only mean one thing...
erat: So MySpace
erat: Last known picture of Kurtz
erat: If only there were more of me
erat: Drink this...
erat: And now, the Batley Townswomens' Guild re-enacts of the Battle of Pearl Harbor
erat: More fun with Photobooth
erat: My desk, Sept. 18, 2007
erat: 6:15 a.m., Feb. 27, 2008
erat: Can't sleep