Saskia'sHuman: He's not going anywhere
H.L.Tam: Havana. Cuba
Roy Savoy: Vintage Train 2016
houndstooth4: Memoirs of a Greyhound
Felip Prats: Sunset...
Felip Prats: 04 de veritat vols dir-me adeu?...
Felip Prats: Als teus peus...
Jean-François Hic: Piping Plover - Charadrius melodus
ricksoloway: f_cowgirldetail
ricksoloway: f_30s_workingcowboys
ricksoloway: f_cowboylasso_2
ricksoloway: f_tombstoneepitaph
ricksoloway: f_WWIcasualties1914
ricksoloway: f_enlargers
ricksoloway: f_2bears2butts
ricksoloway: f_1960scineguys
ricksoloway: f_bp_joker2
ricksoloway: f_volcano_X
Summerside90: Red-breasted Nuthatch
peterphot: Buntspecht...
Urban Florida Photographer: Fall colors of the Blue Ridge Mountains in Northern Georgia, USA
mandalaybus: Roof and Windows
Nick L: Fire and Ice at Vestrahorn
Hasanalmossa: One civil defense worker killed &5 others injured by regime Russia air strikes on Maaret Annuman #Idlib
Blue York: Fordson WOT 1 barrage balloon winch
Blue York: Church of Holy Trinity, Micklegate, York
Blue York: Bayleaf farmhouse interior