Canton Leisure Services: A masterpiece replica in front of the Summit on loan from the DIA
Canton Leisure Services: Public Art at the Canton Public Library
Canton Leisure Services: Chalk Art inspired by Canton's Inside/Out Pieces on Display
Canton Leisure Services: Chalk Art at the Canton Public Library
Canton Leisure Services: Tiny Chalk Artists at work!
Canton Leisure Services: Chalk Art; Summer 2012
Canton Leisure Services: Great ARTscape cART Tour
Canton Leisure Services: Great ARTscape cART Tour
Canton Leisure Services: Great ARTscape cART Tour
Canton Leisure Services: Great ARTscape cART Tour
Canton Leisure Services: Ford Road Public Art Tour
Canton Leisure Services: Ford Road Public Art Tour
Canton Leisure Services: Hobie Says It's Walking
Canton Leisure Services: Ford Road Public Art Tour 2012