cantfindthec: shinkhansen
cantfindthec: my train to kyoto
cantfindthec: "lunch box"
cantfindthec: terrace at hostel
cantfindthec: IMG_2110
cantfindthec: street in kyoto
cantfindthec: geisha
cantfindthec: geisha
cantfindthec: shrine
cantfindthec: temple
cantfindthec: shrine
cantfindthec: prayers tied to the fence
cantfindthec: temple sticking out of the trees
cantfindthec: japanese dragon/holy water
cantfindthec: IMG_2137
cantfindthec: view from nanzen-ji
cantfindthec: pathway up to shrines
cantfindthec: kyoto street
cantfindthec: temple sticking out of the town
cantfindthec: IMG_2149
cantfindthec: temple
cantfindthec: japanese garden
cantfindthec: japanese garden
cantfindthec: Japanese garden
cantfindthec: IMG_2175
cantfindthec: Japanese garden
cantfindthec: IMG_2180
cantfindthec: shrine with paper lanterns
cantfindthec: paper lanterns
cantfindthec: more paper lanterns