canopydweller: Green Lynx spider dining on a bee
canopydweller: Spiny crab-like orb weaver spider
canopydweller: Hanging Thief Robberfly
canopydweller: Jumping Spider
canopydweller: Robberfly oviposit in the sand
canopydweller: Spider trumps Mantis
canopydweller: Head-on with the Hanging Thief Robberfly
canopydweller: Green-fanged Jumping Spider peering through the grass curtain
canopydweller: Catching Dragons
canopydweller: Hanging Thief Robberfly profile
canopydweller: Tassle flower and bee
canopydweller: Nectaring Hazards
canopydweller: Orchard spider, web center
canopydweller: Interesting Eyes
canopydweller: Mud dauber stinging a spider
canopydweller: Fishing spider on Duckweed
canopydweller: The Assassin Waits
canopydweller: Jumping Spider with Weevil
canopydweller: Golden Orb
canopydweller: Walking a Web Strand
canopydweller: Hanging Thief Robberfly
canopydweller: Golden Orb Profile
canopydweller: Nectaring Hazards II
canopydweller: Cicada Killer with a Meal
canopydweller: Golden Orb (photo rotated 90 left)
canopydweller: Care and Feeding of Baby Green Lynx Spiders
canopydweller: Golden Silk Orb-weavers (genus Nephila)
canopydweller: Guarding the Egg Case
canopydweller: Bee on Black-eyed Susan
canopydweller: A Face Full of Flower