Hisydro Khanöniga: *Merops apiaster*. "Winner" in Birds Contest of All Nature´s Paradise 06/2013. "Winner" in May Contest of Best of Nature´s Prime 06/2013. "2nd" in Birds Contest of Nature´s Prime 07/2013. "3rd" in Photo of The Year 2013 of Best of Nature´s Prime.
Hisydro Khanöniga: *Lechuzas* (Tyto alba).
Hisydro Khanöniga: *Libélula* (Dragonfly).
Hisydro Khanöniga: *Helechos y soros*
Hisydro Khanöniga: *Laguna de Villouso*
Hisydro Khanöniga: *Galerna Cantábrica*
Hisydro Khanöniga: *Dunas de Oyambre*
Hisydro Khanöniga: *Nieve en el Mar*