Hisydro Khanöniga:
*Búho real*. "Front Page" of MSA Faves of Animals 11/2012.
Hisydro Khanöniga:
*Merops apiaster*. "Winner" in Birds Contest of All Nature´s Paradise 06/2013. "Winner" in May Contest of Best of Nature´s Prime 06/2013. "2nd" in Birds Contest of Nature´s Prime 07/2013. "3rd" in Photo of The Year 2013 of Best of Nature´s Prime.
Hisydro Khanöniga:
*Merops apiaster*. "2nd" in 33 Contest of Nature´s Platinum Carousel 09/2012.
Hisydro Khanöniga:
*Merops apiaster*. "Front Page" of MSA Faves of Animals 12/2012.
Hisydro Khanöniga:
*Merops apiaster*. "Winner" in Birds Contest of All Nature´s Paradise 10/2012. "Winner" in October Contest of Best of Nature´s Prime 10/2013.
Hisydro Khanöniga:
*Golondrinas*. "Front Page" of MSA Faves of Animals 12/2012.
Hisydro Khanöniga:
*Papilio machaon*. "Front Page" of Best of Nature´s Gallery 06/2012.
Hisydro Khanöniga:
*Papilio machaon*. "Winner" in Insects Contest of Best of Nature´s Gallery 09/2012. "Winner" in February Contest of Best of Nature´s Prime 02/2014.
Hisydro Khanöniga:
*Iphiclides podalirius*
Hisydro Khanöniga:
*Salamandra*. "Front Page" of MSA Faves of Animals 10/2012.
Hisydro Khanöniga:
*Picuezo de Las Médulas*
Hisydro Khanöniga:
Hisydro Khanöniga:
*Familia unida*
Hisydro Khanöniga:
*Hayedo de Busmayor*
Hisydro Khanöniga:
*Alfombra primaveral*
Hisydro Khanöniga:
Hisydro Khanöniga:
Hisydro Khanöniga:
*Tejo de S. Cristóbal*
Hisydro Khanöniga:
*Cascada Salentinos*. "2nd" in Waterfalls Contest of Auto Focus 07/2013. "3rd" in Waterfalls Contest of Nature´s Prime 05/2013.
Hisydro Khanöniga:
*Laguna de Villouso*
Hisydro Khanöniga:
*Las Médulas y Lago Somido*
Hisydro Khanöniga:
*El Espigón*
Hisydro Khanöniga:
Hisydro Khanöniga:
*Mar Cantábrico*. "Front Page" of The Look Groups 06/2012.
Hisydro Khanöniga:
*Mar Cantábrico*. "Winner" in Beaches Contest of Auto Focus 07/2013.
Hisydro Khanöniga:
*Cabo de Oyambre*
Hisydro Khanöniga:
*Mar Cantábrico*. Pic of the Month and "Front Page" of Beautiful Earth 11/2012.
Hisydro Khanöniga:
*Luz de luna*