Paul Braham Photography:
CA1_2846 The Grotto, Swiss Garden
Paul Braham Photography:
CA1_2847 The Grotto, Swiss Garden
Paul Braham Photography:
CA1_2850 The Fernery, Swiss Garden
Paul Braham Photography:
CA1_2851 The Fernery, Swiss Garden
Paul Braham Photography:
CA1_2852 The Fernery, Swiss Garden
Paul Braham Photography:
CA1_2854 Red Admiral, Swiss Garden
Paul Braham Photography:
CA1_2858 Red Admiral, Swiss Garden
Paul Braham Photography:
CA1_2863 Red Admiral, Swiss Garden
Paul Braham Photography:
CA1_2864 Red Admiral, Swiss Garden
Paul Braham Photography:
CA1_2867 Bristol Scout, Old Warden
Paul Braham Photography:
CA1_2868 Bristol Scout, Old Warden