Canny Cat: Howard and his art quilt
Canny Cat: Henbroideries!
Canny Cat: Howard
Canny Cat: HoboCat
Canny Cat: Muninn!
Canny Cat: Untitled
Canny Cat: Untitled
Canny Cat: Untitled
Canny Cat: Untitled
Canny Cat: Nooooo!
Canny Cat: Maybelline
Canny Cat: Bridget inspects a peice of wood chip
Canny Cat: So *thats* where my berries have been going!
Canny Cat: Bok bok bokawk! ("Go away, we're dustbathing!")
Canny Cat: Purrr... purrr... purrr...
Canny Cat: Fuzzy sunbathes
Canny Cat: Zzzz
Canny Cat: Zzzz
Canny Cat: henbroideries
Canny Cat: Zzzz
Canny Cat: Pink
Canny Cat: Bridget and Pidgeon
Canny Cat: Bertha steals my pepsi!
Canny Cat: Fuzz has a bath
Canny Cat: Howard investigates the fox hole
Canny Cat: Fuzzy the protector-cat!
Canny Cat: Fuzzy the protector-cat!
Canny Cat: Fuzz enjoys the sun
Canny Cat: Howard's glad I'm home
Canny Cat: Though it means he has to share!