cannellfan: Posting at the painted side sign for the Brownville Village Theatre.
cannellfan: Tagged!
cannellfan: Our tickets to the production of "The Game's Afoot" at the Brownville Village Theatre - 8/6/2017
cannellfan: Tagged!
cannellfan: Reception line with the cast of "The Game's Afoot" at the Brownville Village Theatre - 8/6/2017
cannellfan: Reception line with the cast of "The Game's Afoot" at the Brownville Village Theatre - 8/6/2017
cannellfan: Posing with Sean Krage, who was the Felix Geisel in The Brownville Village Theatre production of The Game's Afoot -- the role I played in the Lincoln Community Playhouse 2015 version!
cannellfan: Posing with the "Clark" sign in the gas station at the Brownville NE exit off I-29.
cannellfan: Becky and Mom in "our seats" at the Brownville Village Theatre - 8/6/2017
cannellfan: Set for "Snoopy" at the Brownville Village Theatre on 8/6/2017
cannellfan: Blooming Hydrangea at the Brownville Village Theatre
cannellfan: BRNVLLE