cannellfan: Okay, Silas, turn around and Meow for the camera!
cannellfan: No, it's not a giant metal mosquito!
cannellfan: Follow-up to a "Guess What This Is" photo
cannellfan: The Sinclair dinosaur likes pizza
cannellfan: You Talkin' to Me?
cannellfan: Silas naps
cannellfan: Silas naps
cannellfan: Here doggy!
cannellfan: Feral Cat Hangout
cannellfan: Capone, Josh and "The Pig" 1
cannellfan: Capone, Josh and "The Pig" 2
cannellfan: Attention, Class, Listen Up!
cannellfan: Look, Up in the Sky...It's a Giant Metallic Eagle!
cannellfan: Butterfly on Buddleia #1
cannellfan: Butterfly on Buddleia #2
cannellfan: Colorful Pairing
cannellfan: Hummer in Summer
cannellfan: Fat Friend on My Knees
cannellfan: Freaky butter boy and his friend
cannellfan: Box Full o' Chicks
cannellfan: Mirror, Mirror, on the Car...Who's the Fairest Bird of All?
cannellfan: Green bug
cannellfan: Green bug
cannellfan: Capone...the um, devil dog
cannellfan: Butterfly on our Back Deck
cannellfan: Butterfly on our Back Deck
cannellfan: IMG_1779.JPG
cannellfan: Mom and Capone
cannellfan: Dragonfly on lily leaf
cannellfan: Mystery Book Store cats - Omaha