calmyr: finding you
calmyr: its always the eyes
calmyr: come home for christmas
calmyr: searching for your sight
calmyr: feel your feelings
calmyr: raphaello
calmyr: with a tear in my heart and a poem in my eye
calmyr: even before I was touched, I belonged to you, you had only to look at me
calmyr: [...]
calmyr: as our worlds meet
calmyr: a penny for your thoughts
calmyr: if you don't get loose
calmyr: hurry to cinderella
calmyr: little bird
calmyr: autumn scent
calmyr: will i see you again?
calmyr: where the phosphor shine
calmyr: in his element
calmyr: meet me where the end begins, in the echoes, where your world is me, and my world is you
calmyr: ineffable
calmyr: you touched me with light
calmyr: seelenglücklich
calmyr: herzallerliebst (mon être avec le tien)
calmyr: may i ask for this dance milady (c'est dans l'invisibilite)
calmyr: can feel you running through my veins
calmyr: i have traveled through madness to find me
calmyr: 🎈
calmyr: precious love