candyruth: Maggie - new kid in town...
candyruth: Charlie and Maggie day 2
candyruth: Maggie
candyruth: Bucky and Maggie
candyruth: Maggie and her little Christmas palls (Mr. BunBun, Socky, & Beary), snuggling on the couch.
candyruth: Moving in on Charlie's territory...
candyruth: Maggie the Xmas tree
candyruth: Me, Maggie, and the webcam
candyruth: Candy and the 5 Easter dogs...
candyruth: ♪ Wake up Maggie I think I got something to say to you...♫
candyruth: Ey Chihuahua!
candyruth: ♪ The falling leaves....♫
candyruth: Matching carpet lumps...
candyruth: Three Musketeers, sort of...
candyruth: Dog, and cat, day afternoon...
candyruth: Piper and Maggie
candyruth: Grateful Dawg, Maggie + Oversized kitten, Piper
candyruth: Maggie relaxing in the sun...