candrika: perhaps I should leave you be
candrika: taking notes
candrika: twelve cappuccinos later, dread sets in
candrika: distracted
candrika: breath to the heart
candrika: primary approach
candrika: the picnic was not a success
candrika: dining separate
candrika: "You think. You wink. You do a double blink."
candrika: crowd scene dundas square
candrika: golden
candrika: pause
candrika: watching the bubbles
candrika: bellies
candrika: church street encounter
candrika: sunkissed
candrika: beautiful couple resting
candrika: wrong way bubble
candrika: bubble whisperer
candrika: parade passing by
candrika: walk
candrika: dark horse
candrika: faces
candrika: framed
candrika: noise and anxiety
candrika: bird in hand
candrika: Gallery F
candrika: castanets
candrika: square triangle
candrika: amongst the reeds