Candice Pdx: Waiting to build her birdhouse
Candice Pdx: Waiting to build her birdhouse (B&W)
Candice Pdx: Hee hee
Candice Pdx: Aunt "Dindi" was a very brave girl...
Candice Pdx: Hammer
Candice Pdx: coloring
Candice Pdx: Coloring
Candice Pdx: Rockin' the crayolas
Candice Pdx: Coloring
Candice Pdx: Coloring sans color
Candice Pdx: Playing on the playground at the campground
Candice Pdx: The kid LOVES the water
Candice Pdx: Playing away at the "beach"
Candice Pdx: "Look, Ma...SAND!"
Candice Pdx: My little swimmer, and the surrounding scenery
Candice Pdx: Overlook (B&W)
Candice Pdx: Overlook