Candice Pdx: DSC_7235_small
Candice Pdx: and the rockets [blue] glare...
Candice Pdx: DSC_7215_small
Candice Pdx: DSC_7209_small
Candice Pdx: DSC_7206_small
Candice Pdx: If you looked high enough and ignored the cars, you could pretend you were at a big city's show
Candice Pdx: great balls of [bokeh] fire
Candice Pdx: play time
Candice Pdx: DSC_7187_small
Candice Pdx: DSC_7184_small
Candice Pdx: channeling a chrysanthemum
Candice Pdx: DSC_7163_small
Candice Pdx: DSC_7160_small
Candice Pdx: Off the tripod now
Candice Pdx: Off tripod now
Candice Pdx: Off the tripod now
Candice Pdx: Off the tripod now
Candice Pdx: Off the tripod now
Candice Pdx: Off the tripod now
Candice Pdx: Off tripod now
Candice Pdx: On tripod
Candice Pdx: On tripod
Candice Pdx: On tripod
Candice Pdx: On tripod
Candice Pdx: On tripod
Candice Pdx: On tripod
Candice Pdx: On tripod