Candice Pdx: Toddlers, tutus, and wings
Candice Pdx: DSC_8216_small
Candice Pdx: DSC_8137_small.jpg
Candice Pdx: DSC_8124_small-3.jpg
Candice Pdx: DSC_7877_small
Candice Pdx: Probably my absolute fave of the day...
Candice Pdx: One of my faves of the day...and I love, love, LOVE this wall!
Candice Pdx: Practice makes perfect #26
Candice Pdx: Practice makes perfect #21
Candice Pdx: Dancing Diva
Candice Pdx: purple orb
Candice Pdx: New growth, spring green
Candice Pdx: Morning has broken
Candice Pdx: Zoom-zoom
Candice Pdx: Oh, the places I'll go
Candice Pdx: Fisheye-style
Candice Pdx: Fave of the shoot - DSC_1005
Candice Pdx: double bubble
Candice Pdx: The best sunset of the week
Candice Pdx: Butterfly
Candice Pdx: Flower
Candice Pdx: Rotunda