Candy Brooks: Friends
Candy Brooks: doe in the birch
Candy Brooks: daring doe
Candy Brooks: 2 bucks!
Candy Brooks: winter coat!
Candy Brooks: colorful pheasant
Candy Brooks: Playing around!
Candy Brooks: Mr Buck
Candy Brooks: Close up
Candy Brooks: Running away
Candy Brooks: Triple the spots
Candy Brooks: young and curious
Candy Brooks: Mr. Curious
Candy Brooks: close up
Candy Brooks: Mr Buck
Candy Brooks: Face off!!
Candy Brooks: Out for supper on a Saturday night!
Candy Brooks: walking on snow
Candy Brooks: Playful in the snow!
Candy Brooks: Strike a pose!
Candy Brooks: running buck!
Candy Brooks: Trying to take a nap!
Candy Brooks: Coming in!
Candy Brooks: Falling in!!
Candy Brooks: "Pheasant on Snow!"
Candy Brooks: White Owl
Candy Brooks: Happy Easter!
Candy Brooks: baby owl
Candy Brooks: baby owl