JennySquawk: Valentine sweatshop. Just gets better every year.
JennySquawk: Su, my helper for the day.
JennySquawk: Exploring Boat Design with my girls
JennySquawk: Shadow Play with My girls
JennySquawk: Shadow Play with My girls
JennySquawk: Shadow Play with My girls
JennySquawk: Shadow Play with My girls
JennySquawk: Shadow Play with My girls
JennySquawk: Shadow Play with My girls
JennySquawk: Exploring Boat Design with my girls
JennySquawk: Exploring Boat Design with my girls
JennySquawk: Exploring Boat Design with my girls
JennySquawk: Have you made your valentines ginger bread house yet?
JennySquawk: Meeting our #pokeydot
JennySquawk: 2013 Greeting
JennySquawk: She found an old quilt on the ground and decided to lay on it. #pokeydot
JennySquawk: Pokey's favorite part of the day is waiting on her girls to get out of school.
JennySquawk: Rehearsal hair.
JennySquawk: At the park.
JennySquawk: Dress rehearsals
JennySquawk: Newborn feet.
JennySquawk: Munchkin hair? And a chin burn from smelling the freshly baked cookies. We need to buy some concealer for the stage.
JennySquawk: At the museum of life and science. We renewed today so a whole year of fun.
JennySquawk: Summer sewing skill lab for Cor. Pray for patience.
JennySquawk: Happy Birthday, Su. She is the big 5!
JennySquawk: We love the library.
JennySquawk: big blast
JennySquawk: star and cross 12.5" block August do good
JennySquawk: Day one done of summer Art camp #blobanimals. This will go so much faster and with less whining on Wednesday. Su kept crying saying she didn't know how to do anything. Umm, just do whatever...
JennySquawk: First day of school. Awesome.