Canadian Opera: 2016 Fine Wine Auction.
Canadian Opera: 2016 Fine Wine Auction- Auctioneer Stephen Ranger begins the Live Auction. Photo by Gaetz Photography.
Canadian Opera: 2016 Fine Wine Auction- COC Ensemble Studio artists Andrew Haji and Aviva Fortunata give a wonderful performance before the Live Auction. Photo by Gaetz Photography.
Canadian Opera: 2016 Fine Wine Auction- Fine Wine Auction co-chair Graham Watchorn. Photo by Gaetz Photography.
Canadian Opera: 2016 Fine Wine Auction Live Auction in the Richard Bradshaw Amphitheatre. Photo by Gaetz Photography.
Canadian Opera: 2016 Fine Wine Auction - Guests and Julie Lassonde and Fine Wine Auction co-chair Michael Gibbens. Photo by Gaetz Photography.
Canadian Opera: 2016 Fine Wine Auction Managing Partner of PwC Raj Kothari and Chair of the COC Board of Directors, Colleen Sexsmith. Photo by Gaetz Photography.
Canadian Opera: 2016 Fine Wine Auction - COC General Director Alexander Neef and auctioneer Stephen Ranger. Photo by Gaetz Photography.
Canadian Opera: 2016 Fine Wine Auction Guests viewing the Non-Wine Silent Auction items. Photo by Gaetz Photography.
Canadian Opera: 2016 Fine Wine Auction Photo by Gaetz Photography.