Camp Fire Minnesota: Painting inside the cabins
Camp Fire Minnesota: Leaf Blowing
Camp Fire Minnesota: Assembling a new archery range shelter
Camp Fire Minnesota: Preparing the sandy beach for campers
Camp Fire Minnesota: Using a chainsaw to cut up fallen branches
Camp Fire Minnesota: Painting the inside of the Day Camp shelters
Camp Fire Minnesota: Hauling newly cut firewood
Camp Fire Minnesota: Staining the fence around the archery range
Camp Fire Minnesota: Landscaping around the Day Camp shelters
Camp Fire Minnesota: Planting a new raised-bed garden at camp
Camp Fire Minnesota: Leaf blower takes care of business
Camp Fire Minnesota: Raking leaves
Camp Fire Minnesota: Check for Camperships
Camp Fire Minnesota: Happy Volunteers
Camp Fire Minnesota: Working on making a picnic table
Camp Fire Minnesota: Tara Markley thanks the volunteers
Camp Fire Minnesota: Moving the newly cut firewood