cameronlgott: At "The Window" with good friends.
cameronlgott: We need a new bumper.
cameronlgott: The Road Goes on Forever...
cameronlgott: Eve's Garden.
cameronlgott: Marathon Motorcycle
cameronlgott: Gage Hotel
cameronlgott: The Gage.
cameronlgott: Damn Good Salsa
cameronlgott: Border Boots
cameronlgott: Skulls on the Wall.
cameronlgott: It's imperfect, but I like it anyways.
cameronlgott: Sunrise.
cameronlgott: Big Bend!
cameronlgott: Fandango Trip-2 (599 of 728)
cameronlgott: Big Bend.
cameronlgott: The Trails.
cameronlgott: The Buddy System.
cameronlgott: Sunbathing.
cameronlgott: Big Bend.
cameronlgott: Come and Take it
cameronlgott: Patron de Terlingua
cameronlgott: Driving Shots.
cameronlgott: Repent.
cameronlgott: The Gate.
cameronlgott: Eve's Garden
cameronlgott: New Edition
cameronlgott: Eve's Garden
cameronlgott: Driver-dog
cameronlgott: The Gang