Cameron Self: Cast a Cold Eye, Drumcliff (1990)
Cameron Self: R. S. Thomas' Grave
Cameron Self: A.C. Swinburne's Grave
Cameron Self: Elizabeth Smart's Grave
Cameron Self: Walter Scott's Grave
Cameron Self: Sylvia Plath's Grave
Cameron Self: Hugh MacDiarmid 's Grave (aka Christopher Murray Grieve)
Cameron Self: A.E. Housman's Grave
Cameron Self: John Clare's Grave
Cameron Self: Robert Burns Mausoleum
Cameron Self: Wordsworth's Grave
Cameron Self: Robert Southey Memorial
Cameron Self: Robert Southey Sign
Cameron Self: Me and Southey
Cameron Self: Basil Bunting's Grave
Cameron Self: Edward FitzGerald's Grave
Cameron Self: Me and Fitz
Cameron Self: George Barker's Grave
Cameron Self: George Barker's Grave
Cameron Self: No Compromise
Cameron Self: William Cowper Epitaph
Cameron Self: William Cowper's Grave
Cameron Self: William Cowper Memorial Window
Cameron Self: Byron Sign
Cameron Self: St. Mary Magdalene, Hucknall Torkard
Cameron Self: Byron Memorial
Cameron Self: Edwin Muir's Grave
Cameron Self: Grave of Robert Service (Copyright Ian Williams)
Cameron Self: R. H. D. Barham's Grave
Cameron Self: Beam Me Up Scotty!