7thound: Zanzibar
7thound: Dhow Sail
7thound: Whaleshark 2
7thound: Chillin on Mafia
7thound: Mafia Dhow
7thound: Stone Town-2
7thound: Mafia Beach 2
7thound: Zanzibar Alley 3
7thound: Hippo Down
7thound: Lunch in the Selous
7thound: Food Coma
7thound: Figgy Tree
7thound: Oxcart
7thound: Ngorogoro Zebra
7thound: Zanzibari art
7thound: Where's Waldo?
7thound: Buffalo
7thound: Stonetown Harbor at sunset.
7thound: The charge. Elephants in defense of a hasty retreat.
7thound: Photo Review
7thound: Temba Cow
7thound: Dhow Crew
7thound: Sunset Baobab
7thound: Overland
7thound: Selous twilight
7thound: 'laxin'