Joyce in the CactusPatch: Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts. Rachel Carson
douaireg: pointe-st-charles, lachine canal
gerihatric: 30 Mile Point Lighthouse...Lake Ontario
gerihatric: Beach Butterfly!
rchorneau: Corner View
origamidon: church street marketplace
Joy Grassman: philadelphia museum of art
gerihatric: Winter Harbor NY
gerihatric: DSC06880 Isabella's Heliconian
gerihatric: GEDC1378 Bridal Veil Boardwalk
gerihatric: GEDC0823 Fort Niagara Light
DGMiller777: Low Tide
ewl55: holiday07 279
ewl55: holiday07 296
ewl55: holiday07 106
ewl55: holiday07 116
gerihatric: GEDC1799 Cave of the Winds walk
703: happy mother's day!
*Susie*: Cottage, Regneville sur Mer, Normandy
twomets: On Royal Street
douaireg: Shaughnessy House - Centre Canadien d'Architecture
Chera25: Wishes...
Joy Grassman: capemay 136