camera1: High Heeled Sneakers
camera1: Nice Pedicure
camera1: Are there snakes in Wisconsin?
camera1: The Best Thing about the Office Holiday Party
camera1: Strappy Heeled Trollop Rides Again
camera1: Seal Rocks
camera1: Sacrifices Will Be Made
camera1: Sacrifice
camera1: Ahhh. Vacation.
camera1: Wicker Chair, Yellow Wall
camera1: Golden Gate, Marin
camera1: Urban Warrior
camera1: Wipe Out!
camera1: Satanic Christmas
camera1: Mary Jane, Mary Jane
camera1: Christmas Feet
camera1: Gray Flannel Pumps
camera1: The Female of the Species is More Deadlier than the Male
camera1: From Behind My Desk
camera1: Boots BW
camera1: B/W Heels
camera1: Don't Jump!
camera1: Office Noir (B/W)
camera1: Walking to Work (DILO 12)
camera1: Elec (DILO 19)
camera1: Bathtime (DILO 45)
camera1: Faking Lomo
camera1: Me and My Shadow (all alone and feeling blue)
camera1: On the Beach
camera1: waiting again and again