Cameradawktor: another beautiful view from Mercy House
Cameradawktor: Annika showing Boy her special dance
Cameradawktor: eating KFC with the Mercy House gang
Cameradawktor: it was so fun listening to these girls
Cameradawktor: Max & the youngest kids @ Mercy House
Cameradawktor: Max trying out Annika's light up ball
Cameradawktor: mercy house
Cameradawktor: Mercy House girls singing for us
Cameradawktor: Mercy House girls that are not going onto University
Cameradawktor: more dancing
Cameradawktor: performing for us
Cameradawktor: me telling the girls about angie buying them fruit
Cameradawktor: view from Mercy House
Cameradawktor: they love their fruit
Cameradawktor: the very beautiful Sai
Cameradawktor: silly goodbyes
Cameradawktor: thank you angie
Cameradawktor: sharing the story of her life
Cameradawktor: Sai who is sponsored by the Davis Family
Cameradawktor: Sai and her Mercy House friends
Cameradawktor: photo for angie the Mercy House Girls
Cameradawktor: more dancing
Cameradawktor: buying fruit for mercy house girls & ban san faan