Cameradawktor: this is what it's all about
Cameradawktor: he's got that who me guilty look that all men like to give
Cameradawktor: want me to do what with this honey?
Cameradawktor: my pastor - you can't help but love him
Cameradawktor: hey brother - are you seeing what i'm seeing
Cameradawktor: just a fabulous old guy
Cameradawktor: do you triple dog dare me?
Cameradawktor: before babtism prayer
Cameradawktor: path to the babtism site
Cameradawktor: babtism in the columbia river
Cameradawktor: prayer under the food tent
Cameradawktor: it's all about the washing
Cameradawktor: father and daughter preparing for babtism
Cameradawktor: praying over the babtism
Cameradawktor: daddy and i's babtism day
Cameradawktor: you 'wanna get babtized not too sure about that one...
Cameradawktor: i said, give me your guilty look
Cameradawktor: longtime friends
Cameradawktor: those are big shoes to fill
Cameradawktor: pre-babtism pepsi
Cameradawktor: it's either the kentucky fried chicken he had for lunch or his pending babtism that's finger licking good
Cameradawktor: praying for his son
Cameradawktor: jeremy before
Cameradawktor: jeremy after
Cameradawktor: be gentle with her, she's my wife