The Andrea: Kendrick Trail
The Andrea: Kendrick Trail
The Andrea: Kendrick Trail
The Andrea: Kendrick Trail
The Andrea: Kendrick Trail
The Andrea: Cindy and I
The Andrea: Jeff, Cindy, ME, and Kim
The Andrea: Cindy, Jeff, Kim, and Me
The Andrea: Kendrick Trail
The Andrea: Kendrick Trail
The Andrea: Bear Track?
The Andrea: Kendrick Trail
The Andrea: Kendrick Trail
The Andrea: Kendrick Trail
The Andrea: Kendrick Trail
The Andrea: Kendrick Trail
The Andrea: Kendrick Trail
The Andrea: Kendrick Trail
The Andrea: Kendrick Trail
The Andrea: The Group w/Humphrey's in the back
The Andrea: Kendrick Trail
The Andrea: Kendrick Trail
The Andrea: I Hiked in Snow
The Andrea: Kendrick Trail
The Andrea: Kendrick Trail
The Andrea: Kendrick Trail
The Andrea: Kendrick Trail
The Andrea: Kendrick Trail