The Andrea:
The Andrea:
The Andrea:
The Andrea:
Play Time
The Andrea:
Sit, Gladys. Sit.
The Andrea:
1.1 furry
The Andrea:
Couch Kitty
The Andrea:
out and about
The Andrea:
The Andrea:
The Andrea:
Second Vet Day
The Andrea:
taco tuesday
The Andrea:
party puppy
The Andrea:
2.2 Train
The Andrea:
Lion King
The Andrea:
pooped out pup
The Andrea:
first bath
The Andrea:
2.3 Puppy
The Andrea:
The Andrea:
2.5 bright
The Andrea:
A Portrait of a Happy Puppy
The Andrea:
a girl and her dog
The Andrea:
grumpy cat
The Andrea:
The Graduate
The Andrea:
Gladys got to meet Vanessa
The Andrea:
Oh, you want me to come over there? hahahahahahahahahahaNo.
The Andrea:
Scruffy Face
The Andrea:
all of the scruffs
The Andrea:
Morning Light
The Andrea:
Watch Dog