Camemberu: Ki-Sho takes residence in one of the old black and white colonial buildings
Camemberu: Ki-Sho has several private rooms upstairs
Camemberu: Chef has awesome knife skills
Camemberu: Gifu Ayu - Pregnant Sweetfish! Also a seasonal delicacy
Camemberu: Hokkaido Fresh Ikura with Yam Jelly
Camemberu: Kegani with Matsutake and Botan Ebi Jelly
Camemberu: It's a joy to watch the chef in action
Camemberu: Hokkaido Uni and Caviar
Camemberu: Just a few seconds on each side - gentle aburi
Camemberu: Seasonal Sashimi
Camemberu: Seasonal Sashimi
Camemberu: Kyoto Yurine Manju with Hokkaido Hanasaki Crab and Tougan Dashi broth
Camemberu: Meat on the grill!
Camemberu: Nodoguro Yaki Nitsuke (Grilled Blackthroat Perch)
Camemberu: Charcoal Grilled Toriyama Wagyu Beef
Camemberu: Charcoal Grilled Toriyama Wagyu Beef
Camemberu: We had six pieces of nigiri sushi
Camemberu: Buri (yellowtail) is an autumn specialty
Camemberu: Chef very deftly grilling the toppings
Camemberu: The light sprinkling of yuzu really perked up this sushi
Camemberu: Uni nigiri sushi
Camemberu: Saba nigiri sushi
Camemberu: Sanma nigiri sushi
Camemberu: First step in uni rice - lots of creamy uni!
Camemberu: The most decadent uni rice EVER!
Camemberu: The OMG Uni Rice - ikura, toro,
Camemberu: Miso soup
Camemberu: Nashi pear, chilled
Camemberu: Hojicha Monaka, Warabi Mochi, Macha Chocolate
Camemberu: Chef Kazuhiro Hamamoto at Ki-Sho