Camemberu: The beautiful surrounds of Gunung Kawi near Malang, Indonesia
Camemberu: Fanning up milk production
Camemberu: Lots of cows coming back from the milking parlour
Camemberu: Greenfields mozzarella and milk products
Camemberu: Maternity ward for cows!
Camemberu: A heavily pregnant cow about to deliver.
Camemberu: Friesian Holstein calves at the nursery
Camemberu: Friesian Holstein cows
Camemberu: Inside the fan-cooled hangar, it's about 16 degrees which the cows love
Camemberu: The cows walk back so obediently
Camemberu: The milking parlour where each cow gets a few minutes
Camemberu: These milking pipes automatically detach when they sense a slowdown in the quantity of milk
Camemberu: The teats are diligently cleaned and disinfected before the pipes are attached
Camemberu: Milking in progress
Camemberu: The milk from the cows are measured here and flow to the filtration room, all by gravity (it's a sloping room)
Camemberu: This is where milk is filtered and cooled
Camemberu: The cooled milk is piped across to the processing plant
Camemberu: Yes, we had to don all the hygiene protection gear
Camemberu: Fresh mozzarella made right here
Camemberu: The processing plant pasteurises and homogenises the fresh milk
Camemberu: Milk products are packaged in Tetra-paks
Camemberu: The freshly packed products (whipping cream here) comes out to be sorted and packed
Camemberu: After packaging, Greenfields sends out the products to be shipped
Camemberu: Greenfields in Malang, Indonesia, is an Australian-Indonesian joint venture
Camemberu: Greenfields has a small R&D lab at the dairy itself
Camemberu: As coffee chains make up an important part of their clientele, Greenfields has full coffee-making facilities in the lab too
Camemberu: Oh yes, ISO certification means you gotta adhere to all the hygiene requirements - including disinfecting boots
Camemberu: It's East meets West - dishes from both sides of the world
Camemberu: After the tour, we were treated to Chef Fahmi's creations featuring Greenfields products
Camemberu: We're headed to the nursery