Camemberu: Starter bites - potato croquet, grilled chicken skin, and smoked eel with pickled apples
Camemberu: Rye crisps with lentil hummus and chestnut
Camemberu: Cepes Sabayon and Mushroom Tea
Camemberu: Breads! The French are so good at breads!
Camemberu: Organic Beetroot Composition
Camemberu: Organic eggs from New Zealand
Camemberu: The egg has been slow cooked to maintain a creamy translucence
Camemberu: 55' Smoked Organic Egg with Jerusalem Artichoke, Chanterelles, Iberico de Bellota and Porcini Crumbs
Camemberu: Grilled Escalope of Landes Foie Gras
Camemberu: Chef Julien Royer of JAAN
Camemberu: Confit Arctic Char - Cauliflower couscous, Crayfish and Burned bread
Camemberu: Juniper Roasted Venison Loin
Camemberu: Pre-dessert palate cleanser - mango mousse with lychee sorbet, infused with Thai basil
Camemberu: Pre-dessert treat of truffled Brie and toast
Camemberu: Choconuts 2012 - Tanariva Mousse, Peanuts, Macadamia Nut Ice Cream
Camemberu: Petit fours from JAAN
Camemberu: The view from the 70th floor at JAAN